Neutral Gamer

CRank: 13Score: 38790

He's on the computer all the time doing his dissertation if I remember correctly. I'm on the computer a lot as well cos I'm always watching the markets (I'm a Futures trader), it's only when I take a break that I get onto N4G. Also cos I spend half the week trading London markets and the other half Hong Kong, I end up on here at strange times I tell ya, it's 4.04am at the moment!

I don't know how he does it, cos the first thing I wanna do is go out and play some footie with my ...

6235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is that Ron Jeremy dressed up as Mario? There's a nice, bigger version of it when you view the article, ergh! That picture makes me feel sick and it's put me off my dinner, not to mention Mario!

6235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, you would say that mate!

By the way what's happened to you and Da Rite Feacherz? I remember when I first became a Contributor you two were posting stories more or less continuosly throughout the day. When are you two gonna be making your big comeback and start giving good old Deep a run for his money?

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is pretty cool, sounds like something from the Da Vinci Code. I just hope it isn't an anti-climax. Viral campaigns are always extremely popular, the only problem is that it brings our expectations up massively and a lot of times it ends up being a disappointment.

Let's hope that's not the case and this ends up being the definitive Thundercats game that I know you've ALL been waiting (well, anyone growing up in the 80's) rather than another Tetris clone or something!

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can understand your point mate, if you're a casual user it's a lot of hassle having to go through all the stories that are submitted on digg. I suppose cos I'm looking for stories to submit myself I'm used to visiting websites and scrolling through stories I've already seen trying to find that elusive new gem!

Digg is a general news site with a very large userbase whereas N4G is more specialised and you soon get to know the regular commenters; a nice little cosy atmosphere. I...

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Firstly Darksage, welcome to N4G, it's a great site and I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here and end up becoming a regular visitor (especially if you become a Contriubutor!). But there's just one thing I can't fully agree with in your article:

"...the site is far handier than considering there is an obvious lack of gaming news over there."

I'm sorry but I use digg (as well as N4G of course) a lot, not just for games news obviously, and it's got ...

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're right, I meant to say Celeron, not Centrino. Both sound so similar!

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah, you got me Diselage. GayGamer's one of my favourite sites, hell it's my home page. So much interesting stuff on there and so informative as well. Check it out, it'll expand your mind baby! In fact I'm seriously thinking of changing my avatar from green to pink ...

Haha, I'm kidding. The GayGamer link was on the Destrutoid website as it was the source they used for their article, just in case anyone's wondering. No, seriously! :p

6236d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah mate, you should have told me earlier or reported the story and I could have said so in the description! :)

How come you were one of the people to approve the story though?

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't look too bad at all I've got to admit and I've always enjoyed the Unreal series of games, whether it was the original Unreal on the PC (that's where I first learned K+M input!) all those years ago or the different style of game that was presented in Unreal Championship 2 on the Xbox.

But what kind of technical requirements will such a game require on the PC and will it make use of the latest quad and even octo core processing systems?

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The guy staring into the camera I can recognise from the gameinformer link, that's true, although it is a much smaller, lower res picture.

I'll add an update to the story on that point. But that's still 2 new shots and 1 larger version, where's the other one that's a duplicate?

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The new THREE shots were added to GameSpot on May 7th - that's today.

6237d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course Prinzdaman is gonna get some more points now, especially as this story just went to 100 degrees and that brings him closer to you deep, he's already in third place, the race is on ... !

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I saw the new screens on GameSpot but saw Prinzdaman had already submitted a tip for a different website a couple of hours earlier. I always check the tips section cos if someone found the story before I did I wanna give them the credit. It feels wrong otherwise, as they got there first and should be rewarded somehow.

More Contributors should do the same cos a lot of people ignore the tips when adding new stories even if someone tipped it hours earlier. That's only my personal ...

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those are the type of games that you could play in so many ways over and over again, using different strategies and/or characters. It's great to see Oblivion mentioned so many times in the article, it truly is a masterpiece of a game and it's not often that PC, 360 and PS3 owners can all share in the experience of a multiplatform game of such high calibre.

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha, you got to admit snoop_dizzle, that Intel have really made their new chip sound cool and most importantly "fast". Here's a typical conversation:


"What processor you got dude?"

"Intel Centrino, you know the crap one for people who couldn't afford a Pentium, what about you?"

"Intel Xeon X5365 V8."


"Yeah. I'm ha...

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... I definitely think we should encourage more women to play games and when I say games, I mean games like this.


Seriously though, before I get a backlash from any girls, the funny thing about this is that it's a FEMALE student who actually came up with this. Interesting to hear what any female N4G users make of this.

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just goes to show that you shouldn't listen to tabloid media, especially newspapers such as the Daily Mail in the UK which is notorious for being anti-gaming and having a go at anything which appears to threaten their high sense of middle class morality!

What about all the people who last week kicked the boot in and took the sides of the over the top media outcry against the God of War team and Sony?

It'd be great to start seeing people apologising and admit they...

6237d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with the general consensus of the comments posted here; it's only to be expected that a new operating system will use up more processing power and hence battery power.

The important thing is that companies like Hewlett-Packard, as it says in the article, have found work arounds to the problem. More interesting though was the claim that laptops will be the dominant product in the hardware sector in coming years, overtaking the good old desktop PC. That means that gradual...

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't see that very often I've got to admit. The 360 and PS3 are pretty powerful machines so they can do a good port of a PC game. I'll be very interested to know how it'll look on the Wii version compared to the PC, especially as the Wii's graphics are more akin to a "GameCube 1.5" and were never really the focus for Nintendo compared to the gaming experience.

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment